Welcome to the British Hajj and Umrah Council, the embodiment of a national vision conceived in 2011 by patrons of the British Pilgrimage. On May 18th 2016, C.I.C Regulators at Companies House accredited, recognised and awarded the organisation pre-eminence in the field of Hajj & Umrah, granting title privileges of both “British & Council”.
As an NGO with British Government member endorsement, the BHUC operates as a Not for Profit, Community Interest Company; with a comprehensive remit that represents many approved and accredited, private, public and charity sector organisations involved in the Hajj and Umrah pilgrimages
Launched on May 2011. Incorporated In April 2016
We begin our work each day beseeching the favour of our maker, in blessing our efforts
and to help us to contribute towards the establishment of the 5th Pillar of Islam, Al Hajj.
A national vision was developed to improve the British Pilgrim Experience. Inviting all organisations representative of Hajj and Umrah affairs in the UK to join a central council.
The Founder of the British Hajj & Umrah Council, Mr. Mohsin Tutla, publicly addresses British Pilgrims & UK Hajj & Umrah Travel Agents at the East London Mosque, LMC in Whitechapel, London.
The British Hajj and Umrah Council and Hajj People introduces UK's first Hajj and Umrah recognition awards. Recognising sector excellence and community involvement
The British Hajj & Umrah Convention hosts the World Hajj & Umrah Convention at the British Museum in London
Medical Hajj Mission lead by Lord Adam Patel of Blackburn and Chairman of the British Hajj Delegation, accompanied with a team of British Doctors to tend to British Pilgrims in Makkah, and Mina
The UK & European Hajj Cooperation introduces quality initiatives to support a structural framework in advancing the professional doctrine of British pilgrimage.
Medical Hajj Mission lead by Lord Adam Patel of Blackburn and Chairman of the British Hajj Delegation, accompanied with a team of British Doctors to tend to British Pilgrims in Makkah, and Mina
Medical Hajj Mission lead by Lord Adam Patel of Blackburn and Chairman of the British Hajj Delegation, accompanied with a team of British Doctors to tend to British Pilgrims in Makkah, and Mina
The British Hajj & Umrah Convention welcomes international delegates, governments and businesses to the WHUC Platform at the London, Olympia
Medical Hajj Mission lead by Lord Adam Patel of Blackburn and Chairman of the British Hajj Delegation, accompanied with a team of British Doctors to tend to British Pilgrims in Makkah and Mina
Mohsin Tutla, addresses the National Committee for Hajj and Umrah and Board Members at the MCCI - Makkah
The British Hajj and Umrah Council and Member Organisation Hajj People presents and International Exhibition and Education program at Old Trafford Stadium in Manchester
The British Hajj and Umrah Council and Member Organisation Hajj People presents and International Exhibition and Education program at the Emirates Stadium in London
The British Hajj and Umrah Council and Member Organisation Hajj People presents and International Exhibition and Education program at the Emirates Stadium in London
The British Hajj and Umrah Council and Board Members of the World Hajj & Umrah Council presents new initiatives to improve the British Pilgrimage at the House of Lords.
Medical Hajj Mission lead by Lord Adam Patel of Blackburn and Chairman of the British Hajj Delegation, accompanied with a team of British Doctors to tend to British Pilgrims in Makkah, and Mina
Medical Hajj Mission lead by Lord Adam Patel of Blackburn and Chairman of the British Hajj Delegation, accompanied with a team of British Doctors to tend to British Pilgrims in Makkah, and Mina
The BHUC incorporates as Community Interest Company. A Non-Profit-Organisation, creating value for the Hajj and Umrah Community with sustainable initiatives to fund its activities
Medical Hajj Mission lead by Dr. Mohammad Jiva, MBE Head of the British Hajj Delegation, accompanied with a team of British Doctors to tend to British Pilgrims in Makkah, and Mina
The NPOA, makes history by enlisting a majority of the Hajj and Umrah travel agents facilitating pilgrim travel in the UK.
The NPOA Chairman, Abdul Wahab enlists the National Pilgrimage Organisers Association as BHUC Partner Organisation.
Medical Hajj Mission lead by Lord Adam Patel of Blackburn and Chairman of the British Hajj Delegation, accompanied with a team of British Doctors to tend to British Pilgrims in Makkah, and Mina
Representing the United Kingdom, Deputy Consul - Jeddah, Kabir Rahman and BHUC Executive, Mohsin Tutla. Tag Team: Indonesia & Malaysia win the badminton competition
The BHUC Annual General Meeting, Chaired by British Consul - Jeddah, Barrie Peach and BHUC Executive, Mohsin Tutla. Welcoming all industry stakeholders to address common challenges and work towards improve services to pilgrims
The first London - Madinah charity cycle challenge, raising awareness about the Hajj pilgrimage and raising funds to help needy members of the Muslim community.
Hosted by the Government of Indonesia, the British Hajj and Umrah Council contributes towards the de-briefing session on Hajj and Umrah affairs
The British Hajj & Umrah Council hosts His Royal Highness in London, welcoming him to the World Hajj and Umrah Convention and introduces him to British Hajj and the BHUC Board Members
The WHUC Chairman, Mohsin Tutla addresses and presents before a Global Audience on Hajj and Umrah Affairs in Jeddah - Saudi Arabia
Medical Hajj Mission lead by Dr. Mohammad Jiva, MBE Head of the British Hajj Delegation, accompanied with a team of British Doctors to tend to British Pilgrims in Makkah, and Mina
Medical Hajj Mission lead by Dr. Mohammad Jiva, MBE Head of the British Hajj Delegation, accompanied with a team of British Doctors to tend to British Pilgrims in Makkah, and Mina
Medical Hajj Mission lead by Dr. Mohammad Jiva, MBE Head of the British Hajj Delegation, accompanied with a team of British Doctors to tend to British Pilgrims in Makkah, and Mina
The UK & European Cooperation sign landmark accord with the City of London Police and National Fraud Intelligence Bureau, to protect pilgrims falling victim to online predators
BHUC Executive Board Member, Mohsin Tutla Performs Umrah 1st January, 2021
BHUC, Hajj People & Partners recognized for their innovations in Hajj and Umrah Solutions
The British Hajj & Umrah Council partners with the World Hajj and Umrah Care Foundation in developing the Hajj & Umrah Safe Corridor Initiative in the UK
The news about recent activities for needed peoples.
British Hajj & Umrah Council
Vitesse House, 6 Estate Way, Leyton, E10 7JW
Mon – Fri: 10:00 am – 6:00 pm GMT (+3)
Interested in peforming or learning about the Hajj and Umrah pilgrimage, keep connected for the latest news and developments.